About the Stacked Heap

The name

Name comes from "stack" and "heap" memory. And also the fact that I intend this to be an unstructured mess. Just like most modern programs!

The changes

I won't bother pointing to what's changed anywhere. Things will simply be changed. There's an RSS feed if for some reason you care—it works last I checked, but I'm not sure how useful it'll be.

The me

You probably only found this because I told you about it. If not... there's probably a link to some identifying information somewhere in here.

The tech

This website is powered by a... pile of markdown files, managed through Obsidian using the Digital Garden plugin. The plugin explains how to set everything up. It's dependent on Github and Vercel, which I'm not a huge fan of (the dependency, at the very least), but it works. And if those services go tits up, I still have my source markdown files.

Also, for what it's worth—I don't sync my Obsidian vault across devices in any way. Instead, I use sshfs to have access to it from different machines. Works for me because I mostly access my tech through PCs, and don't need phone sync.